Thursday, August 30, 2012

Paris Fever

This was supposed to be our year to go to France. However, my knee gave out, requiring surgery, and that has caused us to postpone our trip to next summer. We could complain and whine, but instead, we choose to look for the gift in the disappointment. It would have been so much worse for the knee to go while on our trip! Wisely, we had purchased trip insurance, so most of the money has been reimbursed to us.
Another thing to be thankful for is that this gives us another year to study French. What if we could walk into this Parisian restaurant and actually be able to comprehend the menu and order accordingly. (Being able to pay for it is a subject for another time!) Our French is pretty weak right now so we are considering hiring a private tutor, and we have already made contact with a couple of students at the local university who speak French. Maybe for a home-cooked meal they would be willing to give a little language lesson and have a brief conversation in French .
This incident makes me wonder how many times in the past I've missed the blessing in a disappointment. It's often difficult to see beyond the immediate circumstance and look for a silver lining. I'm convinced, though, that it makes life richer when we can do so.

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